Leviathan Progress and More Ghost Bears

So, let's start out with the Leviathan Dreadnought this time.  I acquired some vehicle heraldry bits via eBay.  They're technically Dark Angel bits but without all the skulls and death angels icons so they work for other chapters.  There is a great...

Ghost Bears and Dreadnoughts

So the next four Clan Ghost Bears mechs are done now.  They got the chip pattern and I got them based though the wash layer on the basing is still drying. The Masakari, Thor, and Loki are now primed and ready to start getting the blue camo pattern.  The...

More Ghost Bears and Something Ominous

Some work still continues along with my Clan Ghost Bear Trinary.  The next four mechs now have both layers of the blue camo and then the black wash layer on them.  They still need the chip pattern added and basing.  The two Madcats and the Novacat will...

Clan Ghost Bear Continues

We've got some more progress on the Clanners this weekend.  It's nice to keep being able to show progress and this group has made a nice change of pace from all the green of the Eridani Light Horse.First up I got the darker and lighter blue layers on three more...

Ghost Bear Progress and Air Support

Well we've got a bit of progress to show this week.  So the Grizzly and first Mad Cat got their black dots under smaller white dots added to the paint scheme and then the green basing and a last wash over the basing.  Overall, not too bad at all I...