Bolt Action and a bit of Battletech

So as I mentioned in the last blog post, I've got my US Infantry for Bolt Action organized as B Company, 2nd Battalion, 117th Infantry Regiment of the 30th Infantry Division.  It also has a supporting tank platoon from B Company, 743rd Tank Battalion which was...

Bolt Action Updates

I want to apologize for the lack of posts the last while.  I've been helping open a new store with the company I work for and it's eaten up a lot more of my hobby time than I thought it would.  But we should be back on a more regular update schedule from...

Merry Christmas

Not really any hobby progress this week with getting ready for the holidays.  A couple dozen more mechs got a wash layer and I made a basing material purchase as well.  So I hope you all get some hobby cheer for the holidays or at least something good for...

The Coming Year

So I didn't have any real hobby time this past week other than a 4 way battle of X-Wing Saturday night against Cheef, Wolfie, and Chris the Panda.  I ran my quad B-WIng list again with some pretty good results even considering that Cheef tried to make it a 3 v...

BattleMech Assault Coming

So, it's been a week of making progress on the BattleTech pile of things to do.  The batch of plastic hex bases I ordered arrived the middle of last week so everything that had been based green is now on a base.  I also got 45 mechs done with the hightlight...