Yikes, 41 Snuck Up On Me

Well, tomorrow I'll hit 41 years old.  Man does time fly by when you're not paying attention to it.So, as a gamer I of course treated myself to a few hobby related fun things for my birthday.  Being the fan of Dreadnoughts that I am, one of them was one of...

Busy Week

Well, since I'm in retail management plus also involved in staffing a new store that will be opening in January, it's been a pretty busy couple weeks for me.  I haven't had much hobby time but I did get in an order that I had been expecting.My 28mm Forge from...

100th Post

Wow, hundredth post, these things really start adding up without you noticing.So we've got some progress on the Mordheim Dwarves this week.  First I got them all primed one evening after work.After that I started getting a base color down on most of the...

The Dwarves Are Upon You!

First of all, let me apologize for this going up a day late.  Yesterday turned into a real train wreck of a day and I just ran out of time.  With that said, it's on to the main event.Mordheim, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.......

BattleTech Once Again

So the main thing I got done this week was getting the base green on forty something battlemechs.  About four of them need another coat to fix a few places were the green went on too thin.  I'm going to spend some of tomorrow and a hunk of Friday working to...