Yeah, I was a bad blogger

So yeah, I've been a bad blogger for a while.  There were some computer issues at first, that were resolved just in time for work issues.  I got past the work issues but by then I was just out of the habit of blogging regularly.  So this is how it's...

More SAGA Vikings And A Bit More BattleTech

So I got a box of plastic multipart vikings from Hammer of the Gods The Dark Ages line.  It's a nice plastic kit from Wargames Factory that will make 32 figures with plenty of options between spears, axes, swords, bows, and shields.  There are only 4 body...

SAGA Vikings Progress and Some BattleTech

So I've started getting some paint on my Viking war band the last couple days.  I've also been rereading through the rules over and over while watching some of the battle reports out there.  The more I look over it, the more and more I like this...

SAGA Vikings Warband

So my SAGA Viking starter box arrived and I've begun to get it all assembled.  Also being my own fluff writing self, there is a bit of foundation being written for the warband as well.  I'm liking the clear basic style rules that SAGA is written with that...

Assembling The Paras

So I've started getting my British Paras modeled up so I can quit press ganging Imperial Guard models into service for Bolt Action games.  I've got a game against Cheef coming up in a couple weeks and I'm hoping to run this game with all official models.First up...