A Large Pile Of Loot

So, as mentioned in previous posts, the Warhound went the way of the auction block.  This post will be covering the first influx of what it's funded.  And I've still got about $150 not spent from that with a number of items slated to go up on eBay...

Updates From A New Location

So over the last two weeks I've moved and now am in the process of unpacking.  As part of that process I'm getting my hobby stuff sorted out and even thinned out some to free up funds and space for other things.  I'm still going to keep the core main part of...

Albion Triumphant

So last evening I got my second game of Bolt Action in against Bob and his Germans.  We stretched it a bit and played a 1000 point game which let us try out some of the rules that we haven't used yet at 500 points such as Air Strikes, Mortars, Sniper Team, and...

A Second Bolt Action Skirmish Upcoming

So this coming Friday, 2nd Lt Vincent Marlowe will once more be leading his 11th Platoon of C Company, 2nd Battalion of the 1st Airborne Regiment into battle.  After proving his abilities in the skirmish against the Wylsh rebels (for which he received the minor...

Finally First Bolt Action Game

So I finally got a game of Bolt Action in.  This past Friday I managed to get up to Johnson City for a game.  My British Airborne took on Cheef's Quar who are impersonating Welshmen.  His Battle Report can be found here.I took 2nd Battalion, C Company,...