Getting Ready for Bolt Action

So it's going to be a bit before any of my paras are ready for the tabletop.  but I still want to see about some small practice games to get use to the rules and game system play style.  So even though they'll be a bit over sized at 28mm heroic instead of...

Battletech Progress

So I had an extra day off work this week for the last of my comp days for the holidays.  It was nice being able to spend a whole day napping, resting, and then another nap.  Normally I spend one day off on errands and such and one day off on laundry and...

Getting Organized With Bolt Action

So I've been studying my Bolt Action rule books and starting to get some models collected.  I've decided that I'm going to be playing British Paratroopers and have started doing my research into their organization.  I like the fluff of game systems.  I...

Battletech, Aerotech, Bolt Action, and almost some X-Wing

So, this blog post was originally going to be a battle report on the two versus two X-wing game from last Friday night.  It was Murl and I against Cheef and Vortil.  Vortil got to debut his Decimator and I was trying the Rebel Transport for the first...

A Fairly Productive Week

So I had a couple really productive nights painting on my Battletech this week.  All the base colored models from the last two posts got secondary color and their wash layer this week.  The first batch is the 12 models that are from the new Robotech...