Battletech, X-Wing, and Bolt Action Oh My

So a bit more hobby progress over the last week.  First of all, I got my last six Robotech minis assembled, 2 Warhammers, 2 Riflemen, and 2 Archers.  Next I got restocked on paint with a run up to Johnson City yesterday with RTVortil or Imperial Recruitment...

Finally Some Hobby Progress

So today I finally got a chance to get some hobby time in.  18 Battlemechs destined for my 21st Striker Regiment of the Eridani Light Horse got their basecoat green today.  These included the six Robotech minis I have assembled so far, a pair each of...

Still Here

So yes, I'm still here.  Since I'm in retail management, this is always a tough month for me.  While I've only managed a single game this month, I have managed a few acquisitions for use after the holidays.  I started the month off with my 40th...
Battletech Terrain

Battletech Terrain

So I was digging in the bits box this morning as well as in some boxes of old stuff and I came across some things that gave me an idea for CBT terrain.  I give you my version of an HPG station.  (Bills will be via ComStar, no Wobblies...
Hey look, I’m a BEAR!

Hey look, I’m a BEAR!

So while I've been on a bit of a dry spell on getting hobby stuff done, I have been busy with a few Geeky enjoyments.  The first one is Lord of the Rings Online.  I got into this game back when it was $10 a month to play about 7 or 8 years ago.  I took...