Eridani Light Horse

Eridani Light Horse

So work and such has been a bit of a bear lately, plus I've had a new nephew born this past Thursday, so I've not gotten as much hobby related stuff done as I had hoped to.  I have been able to do a bit of trading online plus a purchase off a buddy at the last...
Some BattleTech and Some Ramblings

Some BattleTech and Some Ramblings

So I had planned for this evening to be another fairly large BattleTech post since I have a couple small orders coming to finish off the 7th Striker Battalion.  Unfortunately one of those orders has been sitting in an Ohio USPS facility for the past 3 days while...
Some Eridani Light Horse

Some Eridani Light Horse

So the last couple days I've been a bit busy with my BattleTech stuff, specifically my Eridani Light Horse 21st Striker Battalion.  Thanks to Murl, I've got a very accurate force organization chart, table of ordnance, in depth fluff, and etc.  While I kept...
How I Haul It (X-Wing Edition)

How I Haul It (X-Wing Edition)

So with any army, it often comes down to just how do you haul it around.  With X-Wing I started by using the bottom of the starter box, but that obviously was a very short term solution.  What I finally decided on was a fishing tackle box.  It set me...
Imperial Guard

Imperial Guard

So the 1st Battalion of the Cymric Sub-Sector Battle Fleet 4th Naval Infantry Regiment has received some reinforcements.  I got lucky when someone posted there entire army of Imperial Guard on eBay in a large number of small lots.  I managed to win about 6...