BattleTech Progress

So over the past couple months after 3 attempts at 2 different methods that I can not paint a white paint scheme.  So the idea for a ComGuard unit has been scrapped.  What I did instead is roll most of what was going to be in that unit over to join the...

Finally Came To Blows

Well, I've been giving Neverness' Space Wolves grief for quite a while now about their chaos worshiping ways.  He of course has been less than amused by my commentary on them.  This past Sunday we finally set about sorting it all out on the table top...

Vacation Loot

So it's the last full day of my vacation and I must say I feel much more relaxed.  A short trip to my sister's family was fun and then I went up to Cincinnati for a few days.  While in Cincy I had several trips to Gold Star (I really wish there was one here...

The Lulls

Well, been a bit of a lull here.  Work has hit a bit of a odd stretch so it's been a bit of an inspirational drag.  So not only haven't I gotten a game played in a while, I also haven't made any progress on the modelling front as well.  But I am on...

BattleTech and Wee Bit of Rogue Stars

So I'm working on cleaning up some of the mechs that had have piled up and don't have a current home.  My goal is to organize them into companies of different units I like, as well as can stand the color scheme of (I'm looking at you Orloff Grenadiers). ...