Wait, What?

So a sudden change of pace here.  Back in the fall I got the Kill Team Box for the marines in it as well as the rulebooks.  On a night a couple weeks back where I had free time but wasn't really in the mood for marines or CBT, I put together the fire warrior...

6th Tactical Reserve Company

So the next to last company is finally going to be posted.  I did a lot of digging into bit boxes and other hobby storage containers getting these models together.  It's still 5 bolter marines shy of a full company, but I'm sure I'll come up with those...

Deathwatch Kill Team

So I finally got my Deathwatch Kill Team done.  This is mainly a fluff unit, but the models are just too cool.Deathwatch Kill Team Helicaen is based out of Fort Pyke near the Ghoul Stars.  It is unique in that it is formed entirely of Imperial Fist and...

Time To Get Going Again

I know, it's been a while.  The holidays were a bit rough at work due to personnel reasons and then my computer decided to pack it in during the midst of all that.  But it's all straightened out now and we're ready to go again.  So, while little...

5th Company in Retro Style

So back around here I mentioned getting a Calph box set.  Well since then, I caught a sale which combined with some store credit to get me a great deal on a second Calph box.  Then this past week I got a batch of 30K marines off someone in the Tri-City area...