Staying sane in the midst of Chaos

So unless you have been hiding in the bottom of a hive city, you must have heard the "rumors" of the new Eldar codex. This release might be the biggest game changer since 7th edition hit and has divided an already fracture community.GW in their infinite wisdom has...

Video Battle Report: FNP Wargamers

I was featured on FNP Wargamers video battle report. I wont give away any spoilers but it's hard not to yell at myself from the computer screen. If this is your first time checking out their channel, subscribe to them and enjoy all the wargaming content that's...

WIP: Completing the Lance

I have finally gotten off my butt to finish my Adamantine Lance. Because you know, everyone loves Adamantine Lance.One real motivator for me was wanting to see House Phoenix Warden at their full strength and secondly I needed to test out the new Leadbelcher Spray.I...

Hobby – Showcase: Imperial Knight Errant

"A broken blade can still kill, a wounded warrior can still serve"Hey guys, it took me ages to finish this model but I am so happy with the outcome. This is my count as Gerantius/Errant in my House colors.I took a huge leap of faith and decided to burn, cut, and melt...

Super Master Class: Show Case: Guardsmen Bob

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you a master class miniature that will rival the Mona Lisa herself. This work of art that I have completed took over a 100 hours of grueling work. Each layer of paint is intricate and detailed as the last. There are over 50 layers of...