by Kyr Gkikas | Mar 18, 2014
One more Centurion is ready to blast the enemies of mankind to smithereens. I really like the Stormlords Project so far, that's why I will spend more time finishing a 1850p roster! Even if there is a Cygnar Stormwall Collosal model that tells me otherwise!!!
by Kyr Gkikas | Mar 11, 2014
It's true that the Command Squad I painted for my Dark Angels was a little toο friendly. The unit's loadout was a huge point sink, so I bought a veteran squad from Ebay for just few euros. The models were undercoated and assembled, something really good for a lazy guy...
by Kyr Gkikas | Feb 23, 2014
I found these models in the ''failed project box''. These models were not fitting in a chapter I was collecting, so I gave them a try in the Storm Lord project. I hope you like them!
by Kyr Gkikas | Feb 19, 2014
The XV8 Crisis Battlesuit is one of my favoured Citadel's Plastic kits! I feel excited everytime I get a new model. I extensively search the blogsphere and Google to find a new way to model or even paint some new detail on my new model. So, here is the third XV8...
by Kyr Gkikas | Feb 15, 2014
The Cygnars are dominating my painting sessions! This time I painted a Strormblade Unit to acompany my Stormclad Warjack! I purchased a whole unit incuding Weapon and Unit Attachments. I even took a solo Stormblade captain! I have no idea if the latest aditions are...