by Kyr Gkikas | Jan 20, 2014
The last two weeks were really chaotic in my real life job.Thankfully, everything went well so now I can return to my paintstation! I have to say that I spent a lot of time reading Warmachine so it was appropriate to paint a couple of minatures! I added to my Cygnar...
by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 30, 2013
Today was a good day! I had my first experience of Warmachine! Just a couple of 11p games with only the starter boxed sets! A really nice game system with balanced rules and as everybody told me "No single miniature is a waste of money'', something that is great for...
by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 25, 2013
I managed to finish the second Centurion for the Storm Lords project I am building! Also I took the chance to play against a White Scar, bike themed 1850p army list with my competitive Tau roster! I didn't fare well but I am sure that I will do way better next time!...
by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 21, 2013
I am getting myself ready for the last Tournament of 2013. For one more time I will trust my honor on my Tau Army! I am relying heavilly to my XV88s so I finished painting one more! I Intent to bring the might of 3 XV104s and 6 XV88s. Lately I find the Kroot...
by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 15, 2013
I said ''YES'' to the new Centurions models! Well, they are actually not so bad and I had really fun painting the first model! I even magnetized the weapons for some more versatility! I doubt that I will use the heavy bolters but the Las Cannons are weapons you can...