by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 12, 2013
by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 6, 2013
In the recent Independ Club Tournament my XV88Broadside was the absolut best units for my army! I went with two units of three XV88s all armed with High Yeld Missile Pods and Early Warning Overide Pods.The first unit was also armed with Smart Missile Systems.The...
by Kyr Gkikas | Dec 1, 2013
The last couple of weeks I was really busy! The first of those weeks I was painting a competitive Tau Empire roster for the Indipendend Club Tournament.The second week I was too busy with my job. So in this free weekend I was able to finish the Salamander Command...
by Kyr Gkikas | Nov 20, 2013
The Sternguard Veteran kit is one of my absolut favourites! I was planning to buy one and add a power weapon to turn them into a Honor Guard. Alas, this was not meant to be! Playtasting proved that Thunder Hammer Terminators tend to fare way better. So, take a look to...
by Kyr Gkikas | Nov 17, 2013
Nothing can motivate a painter more than a tournament, so I am going to attend the biggest Greek Tournament and I want to play with my Tau! So I painted one more XV104 Riptide in order to have more possibilities to score a victory or two! Playtesting led me to use...