Deathwatch Dreadknights

This project was for a client wanting two Chapter specific (Imperial Fists and Minotaurs) Deathwatch versions of the Grey Knight Nemesis Dreadknight. The project was largely about reposing and altering details and weapons.


A long time ago I made a Deathleaper conversion for someone and for some reason never gave it it’s own post.That Deathleaper was made as a commission piece and from my desire to try to emulate some of the great artwork that existings for Lictors.I started with a...

Heavy Variant Dreadknight

This project is another batch of Dreadknights, my favourite to date. Done in the same manner as the Original Dreadknight Project, these were done with an emphasis on making them heavier looking. I started by taking one of the original pics and photoshopping certain...

More Dreadknights

After my first group of Dreadknight conversions I have had a lot of interest from people wanting them replicated. I’ve been rather lax in updating this site (I’m so lazy) as these were done quite a while ago. The basic approach to doing them was largely...