User Content Wednesday – DaBoyz GT Primer: Game 3

Ah, Chumbalaya - he's one of the good ones he is.  But he's been sadly missing from the blogoshpere.  He and I never even had a chance to get a good ol' fashioned bromance started.  Even in the face of that, I still don't know how to quit Chumby.  One of my favorite...

New Member Monday No. 13

Those Once Loyal 40k Keywords: 40k, painting, WIPping it out, Dark Angles X-Wing Miniatures Game Community Keywords:  X-Wing Miniatures Game by Fantasy Flight Games

On Recent Post Sparseness

Hey all,  I just wanted to drop you all a note about the recent lack of posting that you've undoubtedly noticed.   In short, all the HoP author's lives have imploded at, roughly, the same time. Ok, that's a bit dramatic.  It's not nearly that bad for at least half of...

New Member Monday No. 11

Caos en el Milenio Oscuro Keywords: Warhammer 40.000,Blood Bowl,Othe Fantorical Keywords:  Games or something.  Bat reps? Hobby Sherpa Keywords:  Discount Used Warhammer 40k and Fantasy Blogspot