Bad Journalism

Edit: If you scroll down to the bottom of the page I have included a full English translation of the text for all you Greek challenged out there. I think the article somewhat lost it's very sarcastic tone over the translation but that's not a big deal I...

Another Orcs & Goblins list

I send my newest O&G list to warhammeister-extraordinaire Mr. Νικηφόρος for a review. Please check it out and chime in with your own ideas. Cheers!

Cryptek with Eldritch Lance Ideas

Photoshop job by Leah KimObviously, a lot of people will want Crypteks with Eldritch Lances. I think this is the easier way to convert them. Just chop up a dark lance (so many of them around these days with the plethora of Dark Eldar players) and stick it on the end...

Orcs and Goblins Mangler Squig

Looks like my prayers have been answered. Pictures of the Mangler Squig have appeared in the forums today. I have designed a new list that is going to feature two Mangler Squigs since I think it's a very potent unit. I can convert one using Gobbla and the Night Goblin...