Horus Heresy Weekender Photos Part VI – Forge World

The Forge World New Model Seminar.All photos and text courrtesy of our battle brothers over at Battle Bunnies!Legion specific padsMechanicum Domitar AutomataContains updated rules and Legion Traits.Red book for Auxila, Cults and Questoris Knights inc the new...

Horus Heresy Weekender Photos Part V – Retribution

 The Horus Heresy Book 6 - Retribution Photos and text courtesy Battle Bunnies The Book contains new Shadow Wars missions, rules for Shattered Legions and Armies of Dark Compliance, Knight Errants, Black Shields, new units for Mechanicum and Legions, and a...

Horus Heresy Weekender Photos Part II

It has begun!And the photos roll in.  These courtesy of Battle Bunnies:     Cataphractii Legion Specific Shoulder Pad Upgrades   These courtesy of Imperial Truth:   And from around the Interwebs (Basiclaly I have...