Horus Heresy Weekender First Photos

And the Black Shields are coming!Thanks @ HaSY from B&C and Matt Farmer for the pictures :)Lucius pattern Princeps, thanks @ BFeederMore in the AM!Loken

Horus Heresy Weekender Schedule

 The schedule is out for the seminars for the Horus Heresy Weekender.And they give some good insight on what is to come.  Follow Heresy30K as we bring you photos from our forum members!Loken

Space Wolves Coming From GW

Space Wolves are coming!There is always cause for Heresy players to look to what their 40K counterparts are up to!  Thanks to BoLS for this.New Space Wolves ReleasesLong Fangs (rebox)Grey Hunters (rebox)StormWolf Gunship (rebox)Wulfen $60Warzone Fenris: Mark of...

Alpha Legion Headhunter Kill Team Released

Forge World has released an Alpha Legion Headhunter Kill Team Upgrade Set.Pretty cool. From Forge World:The histories of the Great Crusade record that it was the Alpha Legion that conceived of the deployment of Legion Seeker squads. Whilst this unit configuration...

Graham McNeil Drops "War Without End" Image

War Without End is here!And Graham McNeil, one of the authors, dropped this image on Facebook.  He is right, this book IS a beast!11 stories and 544-pages. $15.99 ebook$27.00 hardcover$49.99 MP3Buy it on the Black Library website.Loken