The Thousand Sons Are Here!

Forge World has released the Thousand Sons and they do not disappoint!Finally we have what so many of us have been looking for! Thousand Sons upgrade kits and shoulder pads. £44 or $65.  The Mk IV Head upgrade set is $11.50 or $17. The Mk IV Torso...

Forge World New Releases and New Bundles!

Forge World has a major release and some new bundles.The Space Marine Armoury is an awesome selection of specialist and heavy weapons.  You get 5 heavy weapons or 10 special weapons for £12-15 or $18-23 per set.Combi-meltas!And then there are 3 new bundles!Rapid...

Kabuki Models announces Custodes Bundle

Want Custodes?  Kabuki has got em!Since Forge World won't have Custodes for some time, modelers have been finding alternatives and Kabuki Models has been one of the best.  And now you can get 27 Custodes models in one special set for 175 Euro or $191. ...

Garro Arrives!

Garro is finally here and he looks good!Forge World has finally gotten around to releasing the Hand of the Sigillite.  Nathanial Garro:From Forge World:The foremost of the Knights-Errant, Nathaniel Garro was once a Battle-Captain of the Legiones Astartes Death...

Forge World Releases Ordinatus!

Ordinatus is here!While not as massive as the old Epic Ordinatus, Forge World has just released their new version, meant to be fully compatible with 30/40K.From Forge World:A rare and truly arcane weapon system of staggering power, the Mechanicum Ordinatus Ulator is...