Warhammer World Day Trip

Loken here.  I will be flying over to Nottingham for a day at Warhammer World this Saturday, December 5th.  Any Horus Heresy fans who are in the area, please come by and share a pint at Bugman's or a game at Warhammer World. If you want to come by email...

Forge World Mastadon Work in Progress

The Mastadon is coming from Forge World!The giant troop transport we have heard about will be coming from Forge World.  These are some early WIP shots.  Word is the top has been re-designed. Thanks to Raglan on the Horus Heresy Forum for posting...

Forgeworld Releases Leviathan Siege Dreanought

The Siege Dread is here!And my, it is a beast!Rules available here:   From Forgeworld:Created in limited numbers in the latter days of the Great Crusade, the Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought was developed in secret on Terra, away from the pervasive oculars of...

Betrayal at Calth Books Released

Black Library has released two Betrayal at Calth novels.There are two separate novels.  One from each sides perspective.The HonoredIn the immediate aftermath of the Word Bearers’ attack on Calth, survivors from both sides were driven into the subterranean...

Anvil Industries new Marine Accessories.

 Anvil Industries has some interesting after market parts for your Legions. From Anvil Industries:We've digitally re-sculpted our leather straps to create this new higher quality and more finely detailed version, also at the same time created some matching...