Horus Heresy Plastic Marine Photos!

   More Horus Heresy Marines photos! Thanks to Spikey Bits for these!   Decal sheet with Ultramarines and Word Bearer OK, you get 30 of these guys – that’s a ton. These look like fully detailed multipose models, not starter box quick...

GW Horus Heresy Plastic Details Emerge

Details are emerging on Facebook of the Horus Heresy Game.From Lords of War on Facebook“I guess anyone can email in as an “anonymous source” and be completely wrong about stuff. Here is the low down:– It is a Boxed game with tiles. (Yes it’s just a box game)– NO...

New Anvil Industries Accessories

Two new cool accessories that work with Space Marines are out from Anvil Industries. The Mechanical arm set is perfect for Tech Marines and goes for £6 or roughly $9 US.   Mechanical Arm Conversion set - ideal for converting Exo-Lords and other...

Raven Guard Mor Deythan Strike Squad has steep price!

Raven Guard goodness, but rather pricey!Forge World released the Raven Guard Mor Deythan Strike Squad.  But at £50 ($76.75 US) this is one of the more expensive 5 man units ever to come out of Forge World and fans are not happy.  Discussion on the Horus...