Horus Heresy Previews – Angelus Seminar Notes

The Angelus Seminar closed out the Horus Heresy Weekender.I was way in the back, so thanks here to Battle Bunnies for all their photos and notes.It's the Dark Angel and Blood Angel's time to shine. This completes several slots in the Horus Heresy...

Sister of Silence Kharon photos

Straight out of Flash Gordon!The Sisters of Silence are in charge of the Imperial Tithe, and we aren't talking taxes!  It is the culling of psykers!  And here is how they collect them.  With totally silent vehicles delivered via the Black...

Forge World New Model Seminar!

The New Model Seminar! Thanks to Battle Bunnies for their photos.  Saved me a lot of effort shooting over people's heads!Notes:Scoria is being worked on. Dreadnought Drop pod might come back. Dorn and Alpharius are still not being worked...

Inferno Army Summaries – Part 4 The Space Wolves

Space Wolves rules!Here is Garro's continual summary of the rules from the newly released "Inferno".As we keep saying, this is the hottest book yet, with so much new stuff and THREE great armies (Thousand Sons, Space Wolves, Talons of the Emperor - Custodes, SIsters)...