More Custodes Model Photos

More Custodes photos for you.I love this stuff, so I took a bunch of photos for you all.           Hope you enjoy them!Loken 

New Custodes Models

Custodes models in bound!And the Custodes jetbike is sweet!Thanks to Garro for these photos!Loken

Inferno Army Summaries – Part 3 The Thousand Sons Characters

  The Thousand Sons' characters examined.Here is Vhalyar's summary of the rules for Thousand Sons characters from the newly released "Inferno".  INFERNO COVERAGE PART 2 - THOUSAND SONS CHARACTERSAzhek AhrimanML4 Psyker, locked to Divination. Adamantium Will,...

Inferno Army Summaries Part 2 – Talons of the Emperor

Constantin ValdorThe Talons of the Emperor are here!And here's what you get to work with:UNITS    (Thanks to sol_invictus of the Heresy30K forums)HQ: Legio Custodes Shield CaptainHQ: Sisters of Silence Oblivion Knight-CenturaHQ: Sisters of Silence...

Inferno Army Summaries – Part 1 The Thousand Sons

  Magnus' Sons are here!No, it is not Ben Kingsley!Well, not that we are over that, here is Vhalyar's summary of the rules from the newly released "Inferno".  Honestly, this is the hottest book yet, with so much new stuff and THREE great armies...