[Musings of a Game Store Owner] Like A Boss Part 2

Last week, I entertained several questions from Emperor Laeroth. He has been hinting about wanting to open a store for a long time, and it seems like he's looking at it seriously this time. The Mighty Emperor has called me, and I answer his demands. I have outlined my...

New Member THURSDAY?????

yep, I am a doofus and forgot on Monday. No wait, I'm supposed to blame DC for it... Somehow it's his fault, I am sure. I don't know how yet, but it's all his fault! Yeah, that. Apologies to the fine fellows who have braved the warps of space and the webbernets to...

[Musings of a Game Store Owner] Like a Boss Part 1

I've been talking for a very long time off and on with Emperor Laeroth of Implausible Nature about wanting to own a game store and be his own boss. Because he has been nothing short of incredibly kind, generous and direct with me, I am thrilled to assist him in his...

[Musings of a Game Store Owner] How to Make a Decision

Game stores are like every other business. Their owners and operators get inundated with offers and opportunities and kazoos and whatnot. (Not really on the kazoos, but sometimes the offers are so ridiculous they may as well be giving away kazoos.) It's up to the...

Monday Madness- When Boss Lady Is Away

HoP Headquarters is deserted today. All of the usual suspects are missing from view, and the office is bereft of its standard chatter and hum. Several glass bottles are piled up under the front window, with scraps of paper stuffed inside them. Loquacious comes in the...