Adeptus Titanicus Choice of Legio Question?

Hello one and all,I've recently picked up a box of Warhounds for Adeptus Titanicus, I love the models, and they look perfectly like miniature versions of the Forge World models.Here is where I pause for thought, and the question for the post - have fellow titan...

WIP Redemptor Dreadnought – Deathwatch

Hello All!Hot on the heels of my first 2 Dreadnoughts for my Deathwatch force, is another one to add to their number. This time a Redemptor class dreadnought.The model has been built to be striding forward, the kit has a number of options for the build which is great...

Deathwatch – Corvus Blackstar Flyer – WIP

Hello one and all!This week I've re-started on another project I started ages ago - a Deathwatch Corvus Blackstar.I really like the look of the model, and feel it is one of the best Space Marine flyers for overall look. I am using the same metallic black base as the...