Imperial Assassins – WIP

Hello one and All,I'm finding at the moment my hobby time is getting less due to other commitments, however I did find some time to build an execution force of assassins. These are from the box set of the same name, I wasn't going to use these, however having seen the...

Marneus Calgar Primaris Conversion WIP #3

Hello one and all,I've started putting together options for Calgar, the next task for next week is to build the ammo feeds from Marneus Calgar's back to the Bolters, I am not sure yet if this will involve the old pieces or another option, TBC.At the moment I have...

Warbringer Titan – Future Armament Options?

Hello one and all,A crazy, mad week - so I haven't had much time to do hobby stuff.. so instead I did a little messing around with the Warbringer Nemesis Titan to see if there was an option for an alternate weapon. I did this previously, however that was during the...