Marneus Calgar Primaris WIP Conversion #2

Hello one and all!Crazy week, but I've managed to get some time to add further details to my Primaris Marneus Calgar Conversion. The initial post can be found here Calgar PrimarisSo from where we finished last time, I have added more detail to the arms, with the...

Marneus Calgar Primaris WIP Conversion

Hello All!I recently picked up the new Marneus Calgar (Primaris) as well as the new SM codex, and Ultramarine specific codex. There are a load of new images of Calgar and I felt, although good, the new model could be converted to make it look and feel right in my...

Primaris builds – Shadowspear and Dark Vengeance

Hello All!I had a couple of nights away with work, thus I decieded to have a session of building plastic, and then giving me a nice plastic glue smelling room.I had both the full Shadowspear set, and some marines from the Dark Vengeance set waiting to be built. The...