Legio Crucius Update

Hi one and All,I thought I'd do an update to cover the work I've done with some of my titans for Legio Crucius..Wolfshead - WarhoundI've done some work to complete the eyes of Wolfshead, previously they weren't covered and had the LED's 'hanging' in the wind. I've now...

Knights vs Titan Battle (Picture Heavy)

Hello one and All,I thought I'd post some pictures of the last battle the6thdegree and I had just after New Years(!), a Titan vs Knight smash up.My Titan Maniple at the time, 2 Warhounds and Reaver vs 14 Knights. I've managed to misplace the battle report, however the...

Legio Crucius – Warlord Titan – WIP #3 – Progress

Hi One and All,Further Warlord progress this week, the Warlord is starting to come together now.  The endoskeleton has had a basecoat (black) then sprayed up Silver. This will then get a few washes of Agrax to add depth, and then highlight.I've also started the...

Legio Crucius – Warlord Titan – WIP #2 – Paint time

Hello one and all!The Warlord project marches on with me starting the Rites of Colour process to paint the Warlord. The base has had a under coat of black, then silver. This will get a wash of Agrax and others to add depth to the model.The armour panels are being...