Reaver Titan – make your own Decals

Hello!I think this might be the last Reaver WIP post before the big reveal, finished post.As you might have seen, I've painted my titan in the colours of the Legio Crucius. Unfortunately there are no Decal sheets for the legio - so I opted to make my own!Using some...

Reaver Titan – Transfer WIP

Hi one and all,To complete the Reaver I've decided to try to produce my own transfers. Currently there are no Decal sheets produced by GW, thus I opted to try something new.I have purchased some water slide decal sheet paper, and will be trying this out over the...

Whats the conversion?

Hello one and all!I thought I'd drop a post to show you a current WIP converted model.So, the question is.. what is the conversion? Answer as a comment below.. more next week..Cheers for looking! LH

WIP Marines – Redemptor Dreadnought and Repulsor

Hi One and All,This week I've started to work through my vast collection of Primaris stuff- this was a sizable pile I've not touched since 8th was released..So I've started building both the Redemptor dreadnought and the Repulsor tank, I've opted for the heavily armed...

Ultramarines vs Daemon Battle Report 60 Power Points

 Hi One and All,Me and The 6th degree caught up recently, and we decided to have a small battle, this was the 6th degree's first  battle in 8th, so we opted for a small battle.We went for an Ultramarine force, vs a dameon horde force.Turn 1...