Reaver Ttan, meet Reaver Titan, and his little friend

Hello one and all,As my Reaver Titan project draws to an end, I thought it was a good time for the Reaver Titan to meet the other Titans of the household- other than the Knights!I've had the Armocast version of the Reaver for over 12 years, and still like the look of...

Legio Crucius Reaver Titan – How I installed the LED’s

Hi one and All!I just thoguth I'd do a quick post about the Reaver, and how I fitted the lights into the Head/ Torso of the model.The first part, and I can't stress this enough was to plan the installation before I started cutting into the model, one mistake could...

Reaver Titan – WIP #25 – Almost Done

Hi All!So we spotted that the Reaver had its first outing at the Titan Walk in June at Milton Keynes, where the Reaver took 2 Titan kills, taking out a Reaver and Warlord in one shooting phase - the titans had taken some damage before I opened fire.I've realised I've...

Custodes Captain-General Trajann Valoris

Hi All,A busy week, however I've managed to make further work with my Trajann model.I've used a similar scheme to my custodes force, using a gold base, then a dry brush/washes to add depth to the armour.I need to pick up a few details and redo the axe blade, I was...