TitanOwnersClub UK Walk 2018 – Picture Heavy

Hi One all!The date 30th June 2018 will live as an event that blew my mind- we, the Weemen Siph and LH attended the TitanOwnersClub UK walk, which was incredible, I felt like a kid at Christmas... (we all did!)My force was:Just finished Reaver titan18 Knights,...

TitanOwnersClub Walk UK Preparations

Hi One and All!Quick post, I've been working towards the first UK 'Titan Walk' link below, with both my Reaver project and on going Knight projects.http://titanownersclub.blogspot.com/2018/04/titan-owners-club-walk-2018-uk.htmlAs you can see I've put together a...

Kytan – Daemon Engine of Khorne

Hi All!The growing Daemon force is added to this week with the addition of the Kytan Daemon Engine!This model I decided to pose mid-fight, with the model jumping between combat. The left leg is pinned into the base to support the pose. The arms, weapons and head have...

Chaos Daemons – Khorne 40k Additions

Hi One and All,A quick post on some additional completed daemons for my daemon army, this time of a Khorne flavour!Samus, Daemon Primarch of the RuinstormI opted to paint Samus with a beast look, with his skin brown rather than the normal 'red' appearance. The model...