Chaos Daemons – Slaanesh 40k Additions

Hi One and All,Another week, another post. This week I'm posting my completed Slaanesh units, 3 squads of 10 daemonettes, 5 Seekers of Slaanesh and 3 fiends.DaemonettesThe 30 Daemonettes were all repainted- having purchased these from that well known auction site. I...

Chaos Daemons – Tzeentch 40k Additions

Hi One and All,I've recently spent some time working on building up new units for the WHW battle with Siph (post to come) and here are the Tzeentch additions to my daemon 40k army.Lord Of ChangeThis model I decided to convert so that the Rod was in the right hand,...

Guilliman Gauntlet 2! 8th Edition

Hi One and All,this week I thought I'd have a look at how the 8th edition rules have changed how good certain characters are..So, I thought I'd try the Guilliman Gauntlet again, this time Calgar Vs Guilliman.I set them 12 inches about and rolled off to see who...

Chaos Daemons – Nurgle – Giant Chaos Spawn

Hi One and All,I've recently spent a lot of time updating and finishing several Nurgle units for the WHW battle with Siph the day after WarhammerFest. (Pics soon..) Here is one of the units completed, my chaos Giant Chaos Spawn - using the LOTR, watcher in the water...

A little Help?

Hi one and All,I just thought I'd message out to see if anybody knows, or has done, or has experience in doing decals on models where currently there aren't decals for?I am looking at options for the Legio Crucicus symbol for my Reaver, however FW don't make them,...