Questor Imperialis – Armiger Warglaive – WIP

Hi one and All,thanks for stopping by! The moment Forgebane was up for pre-order I knew I had to order copies, and lucky for me my box of goodies arrived on Saturday morning! straight into action I built one of the knights to see how I could get LED's in like all my...

Chaos Daemons – Plague Toads Of Nurgle

Hi one and all, thanks for popping by!I've recently completed my 3 Nurgle Plague Toads, these guys were initially painted with a base of death guard green, then had washes of Agrax then Biel-Tan, before having a rough coat of Nurgle Rot.  The mouth and tongue...

Abaddon the Despoiler – WIP

Hi one and All,Slow progress on a couple of projects, the Reaver is coming along, and the plague toads are about complete also. I've also started working on a WIP conversion - Abaddon, based on the Horus model. I've taken the key elements from the fine cast version of...

WIP Nurgle Plague Toads

Hi everyone,Hot on the heels of my Custodes, I making progress with my Plague Toads. These started with a Nurgle Green base, washed with Agrax then Biel-Tann all over to create depth of colour. I then added details to the horn and mouth, eyes and teeth of each one....