Imperial Knights – How to add LED lights to your Knights

Hi one and all,Thanks for viewing this guide. To start, I've never really done anything with electronics other than plug in the PS4 to the TV, so the thought of adding lights was quite daunting at first. I wanted to add lights to make them 'stand out' but also I think...

Imperial Knights WIP – LED update

Hi one and All,I've recently decided to change the LED's I've added to my Imperial Knights. Previously I opted for a simple system with the LEDs running into the torso of the Knight, and adding a coin/tablet battery between the two poles to connect the circuit.However...

A review of Lord Halfpenny’s 2017 Weemen

Hi All,Firstly I hope you all had a great Christmas, and happy New Year!I thought I'd post a quick review of 2017, and some of the projects I've completed and those to be finished in 2018.Space Marines2017 saw several new additions to my Ultramarine force, including...

Raging Heroes – Alternative Sisters of Battle

Hi One and All,I took delivery this morning of an order I place with Raging Heroes..I've previously ordered from them and the models are excellent quality, the plan with these at the moment is unknown.. Initially I thought Necromunda, then maybe some form of sisters...