40K WIP Constructions

Hi All,I've had a week away from the Reaver, and decided to do a little construction on a few new projects.Fateweaver.I've got a version of the original Fateweaver- but I feel the model is too small in comparison to current models, thus I needed to upgrade it- the...

Legio Crucius Reaver Titan – WIP #20 – Lasers?

Hi One and all,Its been a slow week on the Reaver build, as my attention was taken to how to build an additional carapace weapon.I took delivery of a Twin Turbo Laser Destructor, and started looking at options to mount it, and which way. The easiest solution would...

Reaver Titan – WIP #17 – Slow and Steady

 Hi Everyone,Thanks for popping by, another week, another Reaver post.I'm slowly making progress with the edging the armour plates, there is a load of armoured trim to be completed. I'm really liking the look of the white/black with the gold trim. I've also...