Necromunda Gang – House Escher

Hi All,I've seen the news that Necromunda is due to return, so I thought I'd better get my old Escher gang out from the vast WIP pile, and hopefully have them ready for the launch!I've got a few other 'members' from 3rd party sources which I plan to build into the...

WIP- Nurgle stuff

Hi all,Just a very quick update post on some Nurgle goodies I've been working on..Plague Toads..Each one has had a few washes over the death guard green- I'm toying with repainting the 'slimer' toad the same colour to match the other 2, I really like the way they...

Magnus the Red – Daemon Primarch of the Thousand Sons

Hi Readers, thank you for popping by.Over the last few weeks, you've seen my progress with Magnus the Red, and in this post I will show the final results!As posted before, I've opted for a different scheme to that shown in the GW art and as painted by the 'Eavy Metal...

Magnus the Red – Daemon Primarch of the Thousand Sons

Hi Readers, thank you for popping by.Over the last few weeks, you've seen my progress with Magnus the Red, and in this post I will show the final results!As posted before, I've opted for a different scheme to that shown in the GW art and as painted by the 'Eavy Metal...

WIP – Objective Markers using Space Marine Casualties

Hi One and All,I've been working on a few projects recently, Magnus is about finished, as well as some more Reaver Titan building, However I thought I'd share my new project- objective markers for 8th- using the casualty marines.These are currently glued, based and...