WIP- Magnus the Red – Primarch of the Thousand Sons

Hi one and all,This week I'm slowly working on my Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons. Having looked at several versions of the model online, I've opted to have Magnus with quite a dark red tone, which should contrast nicely with the bright silver armour....

40k Scenic Bases

Hi one and all,This week I've been tackling a few bits in my 'to do pile' trying not to get sidetracked by any Primaris Marines that I might have..I'm starting to put together a base for a larger model, designed to fit the story of the character. Below is the initial...

WIP – Ultramarine Mastodon – Heavy Assault Transport

Hi Everyone,Thanks for looking, just a quick post with regards a WIP project, my Ultramarine Mastodon.The moment I saw the model I knew I needed to have one for my Ultramarine force, the model looks so different to the normal shape of the marine tanks. I have painted...