Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage – Complete

Hi One and All,Thanks for looking at our blog, and our posts.My next post is the completed Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage,I'm really happy with the overall look of the Great Daemon, the axe had a go covering of blood (paint, not my own) which adds to the look. For...

Master of the Forge on Jet Bike Conversion

Hi One and All!Thank you again for checking out our blog,Up on show next is my, what counted as a Master of the Forge, now Techmarine on a Jet Bike (Counts as Bike), with under slung Conversion Beamer. This was a project I started about 5 years ago, with the idea...

Leviathan Dreadnoughts – 3 Ultramarine Leviathans

Hi one and all,To follow up on last weeks post, My 3 Leviathan Dreadnoughts. to complete these I need to add some transfers, which I intend to do as a massive bulk with my other dreadnoughts and vehicles.Up first, my all rounder, with melta and claw- I'm really happy...

WIP- Leviathan Dreadnought(s)

Hi one and all!Thanks for looking at our Blog!Just a post on my WIP Leviathan Dreadnoughts, when 1 isn't enough, go for 3!I really like the look and feel of these HH models, they look how I image dreadnoughts would look- massive, chunky and deadly! I opted to have one...

Reaver Titan – WIP #8 – The Painting Starts

Hi readers,Thanks again for popping over to our blog!More progress with the Reaver to show, I've finally started to get some paint to the model, adding boltgun metal (or Leadbelcher for the new paints) to the legs and weapons, the base has been sprayed brown ready for...