Bloodthirster WIP #3

Hi Everyone!Here are a few more pictures of the Bloodthirster I'm working on, I've got the wings virtually there, I'm now debating whether to pin, or magnetise them into place, or just to glue them.Left to do is the face, horns and feet, then an overall final...

Roboute Guilliman WIP mock ups and a third one

Hi Readers! thanks for checking out our blog!This post is to follow up on my previous Roboute Guilliman post.I've started building the 2 models, and thought I'd share a few comparisons of the 2, and a few potential conversion mock ups. Firstly here are the 2 models...

Bloodthirster / Skarbrand WIP #2

 Hi- thanks for dropping by!Up today is an update on my WIP Bloodthirster and Skarbrand that I posted a few weeks ago.I'm making steady progress with the two- I' looking at one final level of extreme highlights for the skin to pick up the muscle definition, and...

Roboute Guilliman – Primarch of the Ultramarines

Hi one and all,Quick post, I've started work on my two Roboute Guilliman models, one the new GW plastic, Lord Commander version, the other the  Forge World 30k model. I think it'll be a good process to do the two models simultaneously and compare the two...

Daemons WIP Bloodthirster and Skarbrand

Hi Everybody.Thank you for swinging by our blog!The titan progress has slowed a little, I'm looking for a good day to start adding paint to the body. Excited!However I thought I'd share my other WIP (of which there are many... LH), a couple of Bloodthirsters....