Blog Wars 9 Lord Halfpenny Battles (Picture Heavy)

Hi one and all,So the dust settles after another amazing Blog Wars tournament. Thanks again to Alex over at fromthefang for arranging the event. I decided to opted to take a combination of 3 Imperial Knights, and Beilal and 2 squads of Deathwing terminators - one...

Blog Wars 9.. the list

Hi all,Wow- what a challenge- the good news is that my Imperial Knight/Dark Angels list is complete, and ready for Blog Wars.. the bad news is that my Imperial Knight/Dark Angels army is complete and ready for Blog Wars.. I've managed to complete the force including...

Blog Wars 9… Will I be ready???

So, less than a week to go before BW9, as arranged by Alex from and I'm starting to worry... will my army be ready? Currently I have 2 models from a list of 15 ready for the event- and time is disappearing very fast..I'll be...

Looking to Blog Wars…

I've just submitted my list to Alex over at fromthefang for Blog Wars 9, which takes place 2 weeks tomorrow.Following a few test games, I have decided to opt away from my Ultramarines, and try something a little different. I won't spoil the army list just yet, however...

WIP- Ultramarine Sicaran

Hi All,Here is an update with another Ultramarine project- a Sicaran Relic tank.I've painted this the same way as my WIP Centurion, with several blue paints to build up the colour, I'm really happy with the overall look of the blue base colour- the combination of...