WIP Ultramarine Centurion

Hi one and all, thanks for stopping by.Here is a quick post showing my WIP Ultramarine Centurion Sergeant, with Grav Weapon- the first of a squad of 6, all with Heavy Grav with a combo of Missile pods and bolter chest weapons.I've spent some time perfecting the 'Blue'...

Daemon Soul Grinder Conversion

Hi One and All,thanks for popping over to Weemen!Here are a couple of pictures of my Converted Soul Grinder, which I've added the final few touches to.This originally was built a few years ago for BW3 (years ago!) but I've finally got the model out of the display...

WIP Imperial Knights

Hi One and All, thank you for looking.. sorry its taken a while to blog any of my progress- to busy ATM..Just a quick post on my WIP Imperial Knights,I have opted to create my own 'Knightly Order' with the background behind them being an order that had there initial...