Grey Knights

Grey Knights

  Hi All,I recently decided to add a small Grey Knight force to my ever growing Imperial Army, to go with my Ultramarines, Imperial Guard (and Imperial Knights.. see next post..)After consulting with the codex, I opted to go for a small 5 man terminator squad,...
MK III Iron armour Combi-Weapon Conversions

MK III Iron armour Combi-Weapon Conversions

Hi All,Just a quick post about the Combi-Weapons I'm converting for a 10 man Sternguard Squad of FW MK III Iron Armour Marines.I wanted to keep the look of the models right, by using the Phobos pattern Bolter with a special weapon attachment. I found a seller on eBay...
7th Edition rumours????

7th Edition rumours????

For a while there has been rumours about the potential for a 7th Edition of 40k, I've had it confirmed today that indeed GW are stopping the purchase of the 'rule book' however the Dark Vengeance is still available- apparently there will be further news in coming in...