Chaos Daemons- Fateweaver

Chaos Daemons- Fateweaver

Hi All,A quick post to start the week - here we have 'Fateweaver'. The moment I started my daemon force I knew I needed Fateweaver- the rules for him in 5th Edition were amazing with re-rolls galore and with lots of options available for causing lots of pain and...
Lord Halfpenny’s new hobby corner

Lord Halfpenny’s new hobby corner

Hi All,A quick post to start the week. I thought I'd share with you my new hobby corner. I recently bought several paint rack systems from eBay, with a view of developing a good hobby area to work in. Previously I had paints in all manner of boxes, and would really...
Relictor Daemon Prince

Relictor Daemon Prince

 A while ago I posted a few WIP shots of a project I was working on- my Relictor inspired Daemon Princes- a slight nod towards Siph's force..The model has been slightly converted- using a spare contemptor head instead of the daemon heads to portray the 'Space...