Chaos Daemons Decimators WIP

Hi one and all,A quick update to show you my current WIP- 'the twins' my 2 Decimators. The moment I saw the models I knew I had to have at least one in my force, I like the overall look and feel of them- also their rules are pretty handy- plus they have a variety of...

WIP Master of the Forge on Jet Bike

Hi all!Just a quick post to show you the current status of my Master of the Forge on a Jet Bike, with an under slung Conversion Beamer! Siph loves this conversion - his on a 'normal' bike was found here.I've only just started applying paint, thus is only the first few...

Lord Halfpenny- WIP Daemon Prince – Relictor Style

Hi all!Just a quick post to demonstrate one of our projects - another Daemon Prince to add to the vast Daemon collection - this one has had several additions and minor conversions to make him stand out.Firstly I wanted to try something a paint scheme that was a little...

Lord Halfpenny’s WIP Forge World Stuff

Hi!Recently I've been pretty busy building up several of my Forge World kits, and I thought I'd share some of the WIP.SpartanFirstly, the Spartan Landraider- this kit is huge, and was pretty straightforward to put together. I'm planning on making a few additions over...