Adeptus Custodes – WIP

Hello one and all, I hope you are all staying safe.I've started the build process of some further Custodes to add to my Adeptus Custodes force, in the space of some Custodian Wardens, a Shield Captain, a Vexilus Praetor and some Vertus Praetors.For the Wardens I have...

Legio Crucius – Reaver No.2 – WIP

Hello one and all!Weemen should really be renamed titanmen for the number of titans on here! I've started the build on my second Reaver - name to be asigned soon!The model has been washed and scrubbed, and then prepared for the build. I spent an evening cutting away...

Deathwatch – Primaris Captain – WIP

Hello All,I thought I'd better add some characters to my Deathwatch force - up first is my current WIP, a Primaris Captain of the Imperial Fists. This was a captain from GW stores birthday events.The model has been painted like the vehicles, with a base metallic...

Legio Crucius – Titan Weapon Upgrades – WIP

Hello One and All,Another week flies by, another hobby week complete. This week I have been working on the Reaver  Astramos weapon upgrades I have waiting to finish.ChainFistProbably one of the most sought after weapons, this one I found in my bitz box - no idea...

Imperial Knights – Banners WIP

Hello one and all,This week with regards the war against grey plastic has seen me go back to complete my Knights - by completing their banners and other associated details from the sprue, seals etc. There are 18 Knights sat waiting to be finished, once the banners are...