Deathwatch WIP

 Afternoon All,Work is getting in the way of a full post, thus here is a quick post of my current WIP for the Deathwatch force. These have had 3D printed shoulder pads added to add more character to the units. I've also had to hack some of the original guards out...

Chaos Altar Terrain – complete!

Hello All,A few weeks has past since my last post.. sorry! There will be a battle rep post soon, Me and Siph caught up for a ding donger of a battle! Up this week is a completed terrain piece - the Chaos Altar, this piece I've had for ages, thus I wanted to get...

Deathwatch – Smash Captain WIP

Hello All!This week I've started work on a Captain for my Deathwatch, hailing from the Sons Of Medusa, armed with a Thunder Hammer, and a Deathwatch storm shield. I am in two minds whether to go with a jump pack, or not.I've looked to link the green from the chapter...

Further Terrain WIP

 Hello all... it would appear I've lost my paintbrushes! ha!Another week working through the mountain of buildings, and also work.. thus not much painting time this week.This weeks building is a beast! a huge centre piece to dominate the board, with plenty of...