WIP Deathwatch Dreadnoughts

Hello All! This week I've spent some time building up some further dreadnoughts for my deathwatch force - this time using some 3D parts I've picked up from eBay. I wanted to add more character to the dreadnoughts to link to their parent chapter. These are...

Counts as Inquisitor and companion WIP

 Hello All,I opted to try another colour other than metallic black this week, thus started work on an Inquistor model and a companion.This model was from Ax faction, which I belive is no longer operating. I really like the look and character of the model, with...

WIP – Deathwatch and Terain

 Hello all! This week has been a little mental, thus not as much progressed on the hobby table as planned, however here is a quick update;DeathwatchI am working through a squad of 9 Intercessors, all about about ready for highlights and final details as well...

Deathwatch Jump Pack Chaplain – Done

Hello All!This week had seen the completion of another member of my Deathwatch force - a Chaplain with a jump pack. The moment I saw this model I knew somehow I would have to include at least one of them in a force - and with the Deathwatch I have that...