Deathwatch NovaMarines Watch Master – Done!

 Hello all!Another week, another completed model - this time, my Deathwatch Watch Master. I did a slight conversion on the model with an arm swap with Inquisitor Corteaz' left arm, to include the double headed eagle - based on the eagle on the banner for...

WIP – Deathwatch

Hello all,This week has seen some work on further Deathwatch marines, including 9 Primaris marines, a Lieutenant conversion, and my small converted Master of the Watch.The 8 Marines and Sergeant are slowly coming together, all have had the base black, metallic scheme,...

Deathwatch Terminator Captains – DONE

 Hello All!Thanks for swing by to our little spot in the WWW!This weeks offerings are 2 Deathwatch Captains, both in Terminator Armour.  The First is a Blood Angels Captain, armed with 2 Lightning Claws. The moment I saw this model I knew exactly how I...