Warbringer Update.. WIP #3

 Hello one and all,The Warbringer project is slowly coming together, however I am now waiting for FW customer services to send over a couple of pieces that are missing- they have been great as ever, I've seen a few negative comments online, my experiences are...

Warbringer update WIP #2

 Hello All!Quick update, I've started the build of the Warbringer, with the legs and torso almost complete. The leg armour sections are not fixed, so that I can paint them seperately. The legs have been fully pinned other than the left foot which I had left...

Update – New Hobby Space/Office

 Hello All!I thought I'd post a couple of WIP pictures of the new Hobby Space, and how I've tried to maximise space and storage.. I've got a 4x4 ft games table supported on Besta units which are perfect for storing larger Titans. I am planning to add lights...